Workshop on Risk Aversion and Normative Uncertainty
On March 23rd-March 24th 2023 we hold the fourth workshop of our Varieties of Risk project at the University of Stirling. The topic is risk aversion and normative uncertainty.
*23rd March, Room 2X2, University of Stirling
9.45 - 11.00: Claire Field, “Risk, Rationality, and Recklessness”
11.15 - 12.30: Joseph Masotti “Uncertaintism and Action-Guidance Under Moral Uncertainty”
12.30 Lunch and Coffee catered
13.45 - 15.00: Luca Zanetti, “Model Risks and Normative Uncertainty”
15.15 - 16.30: H. Orri Stefansson & Richard Bradley, “State dominance for individual prospects”
16.45 - 18.00: Xintong Wei, "Public Justification and Risk in Political Deliberation"
24th March, Room 4B134
9.45 - 11.00: Hayden Wilkinson, “An Egyptology argument against risk aversion”
11.15 - 12.30: Dylan Balfour, "Risk Aversion, Resolute Choice, and Fanaticism"
12.30 Lunch TBD
13.45 - 15.00: Adriana Placani, “Risks and the Reliability of Rights”
15.15 - 16.30: Aidan Penn, “Prerogatives under risk”
16.45 - 18.00: Eike Düvel, “Minimizing Complaints and Saving Identified Lives”